"Angelic Reiki is the healing of our time and its purpose is to support everyone who seeks guidance on their own spiritual path" - Archangel Metatron
Angelic Reiki is an immensely powerful, yet gentle, hands-on healing system that allows very high vibrational energies to work upon your body to help release physical, emotional and karmic imbalances across all times, dimensions and incarnations. Angles are an extension of the Divine Mind. They are a projection of the Divine seeking to anchor into a consciousness grid that has been disconnected from this vibration.
A spiritual coach helps people solve their issues by delving to the root cause of the matter, assists people to explore their inner selves, and brings to the fore universal connections with the aim of creating satisfaction or purpose from deep within.
Healing of past wounds, navigating difficult life challenges, uncovering internal blocks to happiness, releasing judgment and negative self-talk; these are complex issues which require deep understanding, reflection, and acceptance before attempting to make any changes.
Are you ready for the most profound and transformational experience of your life? Do you have many questions about your relationships, family, career, health issues but no one to really help with answers?
Quantum Hypnosis Healing is an amazing journey helping you to find those answers and the healing that lies within. People come for a Quantum Hypnosis Healing session for many reasons, but overall, they want to better understand why their life has been the way it has, and most importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible.
Infuse your mind, body, and spirit with love from the Divine and the Angelic realm. Progress on your path of awakening and ascension with help from the Angels.
During the Guided Healing Meditations, the Angels are called forth and invoked as powerful allies on the path of healing and wellbeing. You deserve to take time for yourself to connect with the Divine energies that lie within you, and your Angels are here to help. You come from pure love, you are pure love, and your Angels are on hand to assist you in realigning with Divine love as you simply relax and focus within.