"Angelic Reiki is the healing of our time and its purpose is to support everyone who seeks guidance on their own spiritual path" - Archangel Metatron
Angelic Reiki is an immensely powerful, yet gentle, hands-on healing system that allows very high vibrational energies to work upon your body to help release physical, emotional and karmic imbalances across all times, dimensions and incarnations. Angles are an extension of the Divine Mind. They are a projection of the Divine seeking to anchor into a consciousness grid that has been disconnected from this vibration.
These highly advanced ‘Beings of Light’ see us as one body of light and work upon our entire energy field, which is often referred to as the four-body system – which incorporates our physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental states. It is from within this system that the healing angels remove all kinds of blockages – not only from this life, but past lives and across all time and incarnations. This healing system really does enable you to move forward.
The attunements of the practitioner are done by the Angelic Kingdom of Light and given by their own healing Angel, thus changing their molecular and energy structure so they are attuned to the angelic vibration and become perfect channels for this energy. Within Angelic Reiki, there is no room for human error – it just comes straight from the angel.
During a healing, both practitioner and recipient are connected to pure divine energy through the Angelic Kingdom of Light. The practitioner holds space, does not interfere with the process and is only the bridge, a pure channel, between the recipient and the angel.
This allows extremely high vibrational energies of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers to work on the recipient to help release physical, ancestral, emotional, and karmic imbalances across all time. Angelic Reiki heals deep core issues, liberating and empowering in a unique way. This modality draws people wishing to address stress-related conditions, emotional and psychological distress, those with physical complaints that are outward manifestations of inner trauma, as well as those who feel ‘stuck’ spiritually. Every treatment is unique. What the client and the practitioner may see, feel, sense varies considerably, and may be profound beyond words to describe fully.
After the treatment, healing continues to be absorbed at the appropriate physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual level(s), and full integration of the Angelic Healing energies can take three weeks or longer. Remote distant Angelic Reiki treatments are
Duration: 60 min - In person or online